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Watering Cans
Watering Cans
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Watering Cans
Watering Cans
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Watering Cans
Watering Cans
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Watering Cans
Watering Cans
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Q. P. India Q. P. India

Watering Cans

Watering Cans
The highly utilitarian watering cans are also famous for their splendid designs. They are perfectly balanced, beautifully crafted and functional. The balance between functionality and design makes brightly-colored watering can the gardener's choice for both indoor or outdoor use. Available in various capacities, the houseplant watering can be done easily with a can of 2 liter (1/2 gallon) capacity.

Watering cans are available in all sizes and styles. For ease of use the light weight, and perfectly balanced cans are desirable. Beautiful, functional indoor watering cans are made of brass or copper which can be polished or left to oxidize to a wonderful antique finish. Sometimes plastic is also used. The plastic cans are made from extremely hard wearing material with high impact strength. They are built for extensive use over a number of years and are available in colors like green, lemon yellow and red. The plastic cans are manufactured using molded plastic so that it does'nt rust, leak or corrode.

Few watering cans have removable fine spray rose and extra long spout, double handles for balance and a filter between the spout and can to prevent the rose from blocking up. Watering cans are not only easy to use, but also prevents water wastage. The water is more efficiently used through the garden watering cans than through a pipe. They are ideally the most suitable instruments to water the plants.

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