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The Most Creative Garden Fencing Ideas

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Fencing isn't just about getting creative with your garden, but adding a character and aesthetics to the landscape. The decorative garden fences make a wonderful addition and do not require much up-front or long term investment. However if you opt for commercial solutions like vinyl or wrought iron panel, you might have to shed extra money. Besides you can also get frugal yet creative with the following garden fencing ideas:

Garden Fencing Ideas

Bamboo fencing or stockade fencing is a quiet popular idea that has long been practiced by garden enthusiast. This type of fencing uses traditional hardwood and softwood boards joined up with no gaps. Bamboos make a reliable and cheap alternative for garden fencing. The thick bamboo reeds lends a suave touch to the surrounding and creates a wonderful harmony with the nature.

Iron Fence Panels
Garden fanatics sometimes pay good money to create a rustic like patina on new copper and iron fences. You can achieve a similar results by rummaging through salvage yards for used panels. Find out some of the iron panels that have developed a coating of rust. Create an obscure fencing design with the rustic iron panel and cover it with vine for a true visual delight.

Recycled Bricks
As garden fencing do not provide structural support like arcades, new bricks are'nt always necessary. Recycled bricks, normally used in the driveways make a perfect choice for garden fencing. The recycled bricks adds a character to the surrounding space with its weathered appearance.

Dry Stones
Dry stones are the most versatile and cost-effective material for making a garden fences. The abundant stones can be easily laid down without rebar or mortar. Stacking up the hefty stones in a row creates a robust fence with subtle appearance. Maintenance for stone fence is much more simpler, just replace the individual block as required.